On-demand webinar
Industrial Cyber Threat Landscape in the GCC
Dragos experts review threats to industrial sectors in the Gulf Corporation Council in this on-demand webinar. You'll understand the most significant threats to electrical, oil & natural gas, and water operations in the GCC.
Originally aired 16 February 2021.
Kevin Woolf
Senior Threat Intelligence Analyst
Eddy Wade
Principal Industrial Consultant
Activity Groups in the GCC tracked by Dragos.
Prepare for the AGs targeting industrial operations the Gulf region with the information this webinar.
Spoofed domains for government & technology entities. Adversary-owned & operated infrastructure. Extensive use of dynamic DNS providers.
ICS Impact
Access development, information gathering, and further operations within electric sector.
Combinations of adversary-owned and compromised infrastructure. Almost exclusively based in East Asia.
ICS Impact
Operations focus on U.S. electric utilities, initial access information gathering, and further operations within electric sector.
Primary focus on compromised infrastructure in Europe. Spoofs legitimate technology and social media services.
ICS Impact
Operations linked to five ICS targeting events. Proven operations leading to disruption. Facilitated the 2015 and 2016 Ukraine power events.